My mom was hospitalized this week. I felt like some of the experience I had this week with her were worth posting about! Well Monday morning I received a very frantic call from my mom, she wanted me to call my aunt who is a nurse to find out what to do. I hung up the phone with her, very worried of course. I called my aunt and of course it went to her answering machine, so I called my mom back and no answer, I called again and again no answer. Finally after about 5 calls my step dad finally answered the phone. Turns out he had been gone for 2 days as she laid there alone trying to regain her strength. So finally we got her to the ER and things progressed from there. They did a CT Scan and found out that she had, had a minor stroke and had a severe case of pneumonia. So we finally got her calmed down and comfortable in her room. The days went on and she didn't seem to be getting any better... So I had my husband and his cousin come down and give her a priesthood blessing. The Spirit in her room was stronger then I had ever felt. Titan finished the blessing with tears in his eyes, we all knew that the Spirit had given that blessing Titan was just the tool in the Lords hand. That night she slept pretty good for the first time since she arrived. The next day my mom finally started to act like herself again! She felt the Lord's hand in her life, just as the rest of us did. I finally realized how much our Heavenly Father really does love us and is always there in, even when we feel he's not. My mom is the strongest person I have ever met! I love her so much and am so proud to have her as my mother. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me and is watching out for my family! All we have to do is turn to Him and He will always be there. I am so grateful for the time that I got to be with her and to be apart of the awesome Spirit that was there that night! I love you mom!! Thank you for being you!!